The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) is offering an energy efficiency grant to help organisations save money and greenhouse gas emissions by improving the energy efficiency of their buildings.

The energy efficiency grant covers between 25% – 40% of the overall cost (capital and installation) of the project.

Depending on the individual scheme, the minimum grant is £1,000 and the maximum is £10,000. This means the minimum project value needs to be between £2,500 (at a 40% intervention rate) and £4,000 (at a 25% intervention rate).

Is your scout hut eligible?

To qualify for an energy efficiency grant, you will need to be located in one of the funding areas and meet the eligibility criteria. You will also need to explain how your project demonstrates best practice, versus standard replacements (we will help you with this), and therefore achieves maximum greenhouse gas emissions reductions.

Your scout hut will be eligible for an energy efficiency grant if you are registered with Companies House / Charities Commission and can demonstrate you are engaged in economic activity, for example offering the scout hut for hire.

Let us help you

Please do not hesitate to get in touch on 0800 2100288 or via the online Contact Form and we will do all we can to assist you.